Spectrum Support will sponsor the following evening workshop on October 12.
"We hope you can make it to our first FREE educational seminar on Friday, October 12th, at 6:00 pm.
"Presented by Elizabeth Hooper, MA, Elizabeth is an educational consultant and advocate. We are excited to have her come to the center for this free parent seminar.
"With a Masters in Special Education and work experience as a special education teacher and behavior intervention case manager, she knows the inside story of how to work the school system so your child gets the supports they need in the classroom.
"Come to learn about current laws, behavioral supports and to ask questions.
"We hope you all can attend. Please RSVP to tmbr@spectrumsupportllc.com, if you plan to attend."
Spectrum Support is located at 1575 West Lake Shore Drive, Woodstock. From U.S. 14, turn north at the traffic light by Culver's. Then take your first left (opposite Culver's driveway).
Woodstock Author Publishes Book
5 years ago