Last night's presentation by Dr. Scott Johnson was great. Dr. Johnson speaks about three times faster than the normal rate of speech, which means that no one goes to sleep. The meeting room at Westfield Community School in Algonquin was packed!
Several staff members of District 300 were present, although the sponsor of the meeting, the Special Education Network, is parent-led. They seemed to be bright, happy, "alive" educators. How refreshing!
Several years I met Ron Jania in McHenry District 15. He too was bright, positive and not burned out, even after a long career in Special Education.
Every school district should seek to hire and keep these types of people - people who smile and who demonstrate genuine interest in their students.
Scott Johnson has a practice in McHenry, as well as in Naperville. If you have a child in need of an evaluation for Special Education services, do everything you can to get Scott's services. And, once you get them, stay on top of the school district and staff to make darned sure that they understand and implement his recommendations. See the link to his website in the article below about saving the date of November 20.
Woodstock Author Publishes Book
5 years ago
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