Maybe I should go to work for Kirk Martin. I willingly promote him and the workshops that his 17-year-old son, Casey, present all over the eastern half of the United States. Yesterday a friend and I drove to Geneva, Ill. for Kirk's workshop at Geneva High School. This is the fourth time I've attended a workshop by Kirk, and this one, too, was worth the trip.
I overheard compliments from both teachers and parents who attended. There were even a few school children there, and Kirk included his remarks to them, so that they would feel involved and included, not just "talked about." But the meat of his workshop is for parents and is information that parents can benefit greatly from hearing (again).
Should I go to work for Kirk? Working with him would be great. Not sure about the pay, though, since many of Kirk's workshop are offered without charge. Even if he paid me 25% for promoting them, 25% of zero is - come on, you math students; what's the answer?
Kirk and Casey have produced a series of CDs and DVDs, which are sold at programs. Yesterday's proceeds from CD sales? Donated 100% to an Oak Park home for abused and orphaned children. For information about workshops and other trainings and CDs, visit
We could have a workshop right here in Woodstock or in McHenry County. If 200-300 parents contacted District 200 (not just Special Education), maybe they'd listen to you. If you do make a contact, let Kirk know, so that he can track efforts. Let him know the name and title of the person you contacted and what the result was.
Kirk was here about three years ago and presented a Saturday morning workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Woodstock. Teachers and parents came from all over the North Shore? From Woodstock? I think I saw one.
Anybody wish to help organize and promote it?
Woodstock Author Publishes Book
5 years ago
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